Tom Mast, founder Solve American Gridlock

I don’t suppose the data above are very surprising to most of you, but seeing them presented this way has to be very sobering. One can summarize the take-aways as:
The numbers in every column of the eighteen-year period are trending in the wrong direction!
The most recent year by any standard is horrible!
So, having evidence that we voters do not believe congress is functioning well, what do we do?
Continue voting the best we can with the choices the present system presents us, the system being only two effective parties brought on by safe districts brought on by gerrymandering.
Tolerate the present non-proportional primary and general election systems
Live with our two-party system that tolerates few points of view, allows almost no negotiation, has tossed out most tested parliamentary procedures, is virtually unique among important democratic nations, and is in a constant state of undeclared war.
Or agree that we voters are the sovereign power in this country and want pivotal changes pronto! We can do that, and congress will enact changes if we demand them. Try these on for size to bring about more than two parties and major improvements!
Congress reverses the law it passed in 1967 creating single-member districts nationwide for the House, thereby guaranteeing gerrymandering, safe districts, and our present warring two parties. It now must mandate multi-member districts.
Congress institutes Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) nationwide for the House and also the Senate. No more primaries.
Now, these may be new concepts for some folks.If so, see our website and many other sources on the web to learn about multi-member districts and RCV. www.solveamericangridlock.com