Tom Mast, founder of Solve American Gridlock

Let’s lay the groundwork for more than two parties to flourish in America – as they do in almost all other democracies around the world. How?
Institute the use of multi-member districts for the House of Representatives
Institute the use of multi-winner and ranked choice electoral systems for the House
Institute the use of single-winner ranked choice electoral system for the Senate
Eliminate primary elections for both the House and Senate
We must first focus on Education. Most Americans are all too accustomed to having only two effective (ones having enough votes to influence policy decisions) parties and to having gerrymandered single-member districts for House elections. It hasn’t occurred to most to articulate the root causes of our problems and realize that real solutions are within our grasp. It is disquieting that other modern democracies now are using better systems than ours; we have gotten accustomed to believing that America’s electoral systems are the world standard. It is time to wake up and realize that this old automobile of ours needs an engine overhaul.
We have some staunch allies in congress who know all too well the roadblocks, overloading, inefficiencies, and severe polarization in congress. A majority of them clearly feel the indignity of not being allowed to do the work their constituents hired them to do – of not having a voice of their own.
See for more detailed information.