Below is a copy of a letter from Solve American Gridlock LLC to the WSJ, the American Petroleum Institute, and several oil companies.
I was very pleased to read in the WSJ of April 22 your advocacy of a carbon tax, one of the two aspects to a rational global warming mitigation effort we strongly advocate.
Please let me introduce Solve American Gridlock LLC. One of the two gridlock issues for which we are advocating pivotal changes is Global Warming.
“…Benjamin Franklin, who, on leaving the constitutional convention of 1787, supposedly told a curious passerby that the Framers had produced “a republic, if you can keep it.” - Adam J. White, From The Atlantic
The Gridlock Issues are contributing mightily to the partisanship rampant in our country.
Our approach includes being logical, transparent, and non-partisan. We ask “why” repeatedly digging down to the root causes for problems.
Problem: The world, including America, is not making adequate progress in combatting global warming.
The crystal clear message is that success in the fight against global warming requires a MASTER PLAN – with a key component being EMISSIONS PRICING, often called carbon pricing. The MASTER PLAN, created by highly qualified scientists and economists, will be presented widely in at least two versions:
A Professional version for scientists, economists, and others understanding its terminology, and
A Basic version written to be understandable by most people.
We believe “Houston, we have a problem!” in global warming, and this has led us to champion solutions that will produce results in greenhouse gas mitigation rather than wasting money and confusing and alienating people.
We would be happy to partner with you in ways that would be beneficial to advancing this approach to the problem. See our website for more analysis and detail at www.solveamericangridlock.com.