Tom Mast, founder Solve American Gridlock

What has been happening in Congress the past decade?
Regular order has all but disappeared! Per Wikipedia: Regular order within the context of the United States Congress refers to the semi-strict or strict application of committee and subcommittee processes, including public hearing opportunities and the holding of multiple votes. Said processes are designed to promote consensus-based forms of decision making, particularly in terms of fostering accommodations for minority viewpoints.
The present ways of doing business give many members a feeling of being demeaned, making it easy for them to give up and just collect the prestige, money, and perks. The net result is that a very small number of persons is running congress and therefore controlling the agenda and… the spending. Also, there is a reduced respect for the constitution, the rule of law, decorum, and interpersonal relationships.
The tasks of the federal government – including congress – may well have grown to an unmanageable size. But, even if we accept this is true, it isn’t the root cause. And, a dysfunctional congress also isn’t a “root” cause, but the result. Our electoral systems are blocking the path to having a smoothly functioning congress, and they are the root causes.